“He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
Colleen Burroughs, Founder of Watering Malawi, was born in southern Africa and spent her adolescent and teenage years on the shores of Lake Malawi.
With cyclical drought effecting so many people living in extreme poverty, Colleen felt called to respond. In January of 2006, at the youth event Faith in 3D in Disney World, Colleen challenged 2000 teens help raise awareness of water poverty and access solutions. She then challenged youth at Passport camps, and they responded in big ways.
Creative responses of rock concerts, talent shows, art shows, silent auctions, t-shirt bracelets, worship services, car washes, birthday parties, sponsorships, marathons, school projects, booster clubs, private donations, vacation bible schools, religion clubs, women’s groups, community outreach, and even those who would give a dollar for every shower or load of laundry all went to give a cup of clean water for someone in Malawi and to help raise awareness for this cause.
Watering Malawi funds have funded over a million dollars in projects related to water to help break cycles that perpetuate extreme poverty.